Apr 28Liked by Irisanya Moon (she/they)

Oh yes, going through it. Perimenopause amplifies everything, everything. That's why I got my ADHD diagnosis when my hormones started shifting. We def need to talk about it more. We're not losing our minds! We're transitioning into the most beautiful things, crones! This is the gooey chrysalis to get our wise on.

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It takes courage to share this kind of thing, and I want to witness that. My perimenopausal insanity was shaped a bit differently from yours, but just weathering it was all I could do, too. {{{hugs}}}

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Apr 13Liked by Irisanya Moon (she/they)

It's had a different shape for me - the hormones come sometimes in the night, like tsunamis, and that tends to bring intense panic, as well as the kinds of things you've described. I find fruit juice comforting, but mostly as you say, the only thing that really works is just to weather it.

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